Post 17
Full or partial entries of my blogs may be found at LatviansOnline + Forum Home + Open Forum – The 4th Awakening. If you copy this blog for your files, or copy to forward, or otherwise mention its content, please credit the author,, or
I suggest you look at the links imbedded in these blogs or at the end of the blog as an integral part of my argument.
An interesting exchange of letters and information--in Latvian--about the state of Latvia's forest here.
The governing bodies in Latvia (state and municipal) are going whack-ko cutting down trees and asserting the rule of stupidity over sense.
The cut down trees end up as sawdust and cheap export, rather than in the creation of a furniture industry.
Viens labs iemesls kāpēc celt sev privāto lauku templi ir fakts, ka daudzās valstīs--ievēromi tās kuras atrodās Eiropas austrumos--mēs sastopamies ar attieksmi kura mums noliedz nest atbildību (šeit vārdu 'atbildību' lietoja angļu valodas conscience nozīmē). Varbūt tāpēc Latvijā ir bieži sastopama neatbildīga attieksme (arī conscience nozīmē) par to kas te vai tur notiek. Templis Melnays Jānis šo nevīžību (arī conscience nozīmē) veicināšanu, lai no kuras vēja puses tas nenāktu, peļ un uzskata to kā nopietnu šķērsli atbildīgas cilvēces veidošanā, īpaši pašdarbības veidā.
One good reason for building your own private outdoor temple is the fact that many countries, especially those located in Eastern Europe, are against the freedom of conscience both de facto and de jure. [How can you not be de jure if you already are de facto?) At Temple "Melnays Jahnis", we see this attempt to limit the breadth of meaning implicit in the word conscience as a form of spiritual repression by corrupt social icons. We lean heavily (without denying other functions to the word) in the direction that defines conscience as an aide to humankind in a self-help fashion to develop behavior that passes as responsibile.