Sunday, December 4, 2011

I have a new BLOGSPOT. See:

Awsome destruction of habitat. See here:
and here:

The Saw-Cross Flag of Temple for Destroyed Forests.
Die Zagen Kreutz Fahne.
The symbol of the SAW-CROSS FLAG is up  FOR SALE. 
If interested, please CONTACT T
Favor iyr okabet's trees wuth a /sunrise

The Altar Piece, an apple-tree limb as mimesis of hurt.

View of the apple limb Altar Piece in situ

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Vinteri" property, 17.9 ha. Photo fall 2010. Road in forefront under reconstruction.
Temple Black John in memory of forests
is offering for sale “Vinteri”
17.9 hectares of prime land

Location: Braslavas pagasts, Alojas novads, Riga Region, Latvia.
Legendary Burtnieku Lake is about 10 km north of property.
Lake Khegums is within walking distance
Two sides of the property are edged by roads in good condition.
One road was finished rebuilding this year.
"Vinteri" property from the crossroad looking west. Note hedge of spruce bordering hayfield.
The roads meet at a cross road.
Easy and quick access to asphalt roads leading to Matiši, Aloja and beyond.

Description of property: Originally land was zoned as 15.9 ha of arable land, 0.7 ha of forest. The southern edge of the property borders on a ditch beyond which begins a swamp. For the past twenty and more years the land has been let go fallow and has been planted by present owner with trees. Originally a well to do farm, “Vinteri” became a collective farm during the Soviet times. Upon the demise of the Soviet Union, the property was abandoned and was subsequently bought by the present owner. The old buildings on the property, located in the center of the property and surrounded by a row of oak trees, have been raised by owner because of their state of decay. One corner of the land at the cross-road has been used for a number of years as a source of hay by a local farmer.
Old road leading to old homestead "Vinteri". Tractor tracks from removing remains of  fallen trees.
Description of area: About 1 km to the west along one of the roads is Temple Black John. Across the road to the north of “Vinteri” are “Dzerves”, also a collective farm during the Soviet days. The name “dzerves” means “cranes”, of which a number continue their thousand year long residence in the area and can be heard calling during the spring, summer, and early autumn days. Area has an abundance of wild pigs, deer, moose, and stork. More distant, but still in immediate neighborhood, are the small villages of Khegums, Braslavas Park, and the pagasts administrative center at the village of Vilzeni. A recent new owner to the area plans to build and develop a rabbit farm.

This is a reluctant sale, one necessitated to keep the Temple operating.and agitating on behalf of the forests and wildlife. Ideal buyer: one who more than respects nature.

Ask: Ls 30,000
Due to the present unstable financial markets, price may fluctuate.
Sale by Owner. Interested parties may communicate via email at this blogsite or contact
Inguna at +37125979406

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The association of a human body with the body of a tree has a long history. While sculptures have been carved of stone for thousands of years, the first sculptures no doubt were of wood. The material surely is more easily to work with. Moreover, some wood has a close resemblance to the human body. For example, an apple tree when debarked and saturated with linseed oil.

The Temple of Black Johns dedicated to lost forests has an annex where the trunk of an apple tree (see some of the photos in my previous blog), with an ax stuck in one of its crevices, hangs below the pole of a hazel branch. This trunk of the apple tree is the sacred body, an imitation of Black John (oak), but remains unpainted. If you look closely, you are likely to see that the trunk suggests both the body of a tree and the body of a human being.

The photos below give an idea of the setting, the stage, or if you will our 'altar'.

In the photo below, we see the body of the tree on the steps that lead to the foot of our outdoor temple. A creative dance group from the village of Matishi and onlookers perform a "greening of the tree" dance.

The following photo is of the visitors room and the altar space dedicated to the body of a tree, which we see as that of a human being as well.
The bodies of trees with humanlike bodies fill the stage/altar of the visitors room at the Temple of Black Johns.
We invite the reader to participate--by way of his-her subjective self--in the exercise of mimesis (imitation), which experiences our bodies as that of a tree. The next time you then need to cut down a tree, you will think twice whether you really need to do so, and if indeed you need to do so, then say a small prayer.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Coming upon the scene of murder.
Another angle on the murder.
The photos are of the victim, the trunk of an apple tree, to the deforestation rage now going on in Latvia. This phenomenon is directly related to the debt imposed (rather than forgiven) on the Latvian people by Swedish banks and their lobbyist in Latvia, the President of Latvia, Andris Berzins.

We have taken the murder victim and placed it on the steps to The Temple of Black Johns. This is our temple to the memory of destroyed forests.
The forests shall rise again and human beings will live peaceably with them again.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Antons Benjamiņš aicina uz Mežu atmiņu svētkiem
"Koki modina cilvēku"pie tempļa „ Melnays Jānis”
15.oktobris         14.00
Padomāsim par mežu nozīmi mūsu dzīvē. Runās
Dainis Īvāns, Janīna Kursīte, Laima Muktupāvela
Senjoru deju kopa "Liepas" no Vilzēniem; Jauniešu deju grupa "Nezāle" no Matīšiem
Mūziķis Mārtiņš Roziņš no Valmieras
Mistērija: Salmu lelle "Gudrais Jānis" kā negrib tā negrib aizdegties, līdz no negribas sprēguļo.
Fantastiska iespēja amatieru fotogrāfiem un citiem palielināt savu foto kolekciju.

Ieeja brīva .           Karstvīns/Mulled Wine 1.50 Ls
Autobus no Vilzēniem (pie Braslavas pagasta padomes) plkst. 13.30
Braslavas pagasts, Alojas novads
Seko Zāģu krusta zīmei no Vilzēniem.
No Valmieras uz Matīšiem. No Matīšiem uz Vilzēniem (Alojas pagrieziens).
No Vilzēniem seko Zāģu krusta zīmei līdz Braslavas parkam, tad (zīme) pa labi uz Templi.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Temple to Black Johns in Latvia
presents the sculpture of
View of the Temple to Blaxk Johns
Eso Jaņdžs

Name of exhibit:
"The Apple Orchard Speaks"

Medium: Apple wood and linseed oil.

Place: Visitor's Room at "Kalnini",
Braslavas pagasts (instructions of where and how to reach us can be located by searching earlier entries).

Earlier entries are worth looking at.
Eso Jaņdžs is a writer, sculptor, and self-elected priest at The Black Johns Temple representing the arch-Christian point of view. The Black Johns Temple believes Christianity to be a continuum, which includes the points of view of ancient myths, not to mention arch-Christianity--the Christianity that preceded neo-Christianity.

My decorative asparagus, what's left of it in spring.

When a few years back a local apple orchard was being cut down to turn it into a field for rotation crops, Eso Jaņdžs scrambled to save some of the trunks that had not been carted away and cut into firewood.

The trunks of these 'saved' apple trees were laid away to season. Now the seasoning is done, and the trunks have been transformed by Eso Jaņdžs into talking figures. By exploiting a phenomenon called "pareidolia", a subjective process that each viewer brings to his or her viewing experience, the sculptor lets the trees speak for themselves.

When sanding the time tortured apple tree limbs and trunks, the sculptor was reminded of Rodin's "Citizens of Calais" of course of Chekov's "Cherry Orchard" . The viewer is likely, too, is likely to see in his-her mind's eye the connection.

Posing for vanity's sake.
Eso Jaņdžs has exibited his work at such far off places as Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, USA, 1967 (sculpture)--yes, that far back, and Agija Suna Gallery (paper prints) in Riga, Latvia, as recently as June 2011.

Eso Jaņdžs does also murals. The artist's attick studio in the countryside, now the events room at the Temple to Black John, was among the month of July features in "Lilit" , a Latvian journal of note.

The current exhibit, re "The Apple Orchard Speaks" may be viewed at the Temple of Black Johns events room. All viewing by arrangement through the email at this blogpost. Prices upon request (starting at Euro 50,000).

Black John walks through the wall.

The history of the Johns is a complicated one, but reader will remember that names such as Janis, Jean, Johann, Ian, Angus, Huan, Han, etc. are all related to one and the same root. The root may be gens (gans--herder in Latvian), from which spring such words as gendarme, jannisary, gentlemen, not to mention dun-geon, John the Baptist, and many others).

Eso Jaņdžs believes the Johns (there were many) to have been the Sacred King's messengers. Since no sacred city from which such messengers could have come forth is known from either recent or near ancient historical times, it is possible that the office and the name go as far back as 10,000 years, to before the time of the last shift of the Earth's tectonic plates (go to "When the Sky Fell") all at one time.

The Temple to Black Johns (Melnays Jānis) is dedicated to forests, forests that have been cut down and whose grounds have turned to desert. One of the first sculptures of Eso Jaņdžs was a variation on The Saw-Cross. Incidentally, it is probably the only original cross of the last few hundred years. The cross speaks of deforestation, the Saw-Cross suggesting a saw cutting across the trunk of a tree.

Black Johns / Melnays Jānis

The Saw-Cross

In the course of time, the Saw-Cross appeared to the sculptor in a number of shapes, one of the shapes being that of "Black John", the center piece of the temple's platform.

The temple meeting place and Black John
The temple is the site of many "trees that were". These 'trees' are scattered individually and in clusters around the temple grounds.

The temple is located on the grounds of a once upon a time household residence, which has decayed due to the changes in modern times. That is, the household as an institution and subsistance level economy ever since the beginning of time was not to be part of either the the 20th or the 21st century.

Eso Jaņdžs purchased the land, and placed the icon of the Saw-Cross over the cemented foundations of what was once  a hay and cowbarn. The site of the once house proper now holds a large tent-like shed, an open space for summer family get-to-gethers, concerts, or other social occasions.

The following photographs are of apple tree trunks in the process of being sanded, covered with a layer of lindseed oil, and otherwise being "presented". The viewer is invited to try visualize the sculptures as a group of apple tree beings conversing among themselves.

What follows are a series of photographs of works in progress.

[This blog in construction. Please come back later to see Eso Jaņdžs' "The Apple Orchard Speaks".

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The link (below) appeared this morning on Alternet. I pretty much share the perspective therein. This is why I am placing these rather common photos before you reach the link. The scene is about 1.5 km from my house. There is a similar scene in one of the older blogs. The trouble is, it is happening all over the place here: people are cutting down their small forest plots to make ends meet. Send a big thank you to your banks.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another defender
of forests killed
in the Amazon.

Black John
Melnays Jānis
the god
at our Temple to
forests gone

The forests in Latvia are disappearing at a fast pace, too.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A very interesting blog by Elaine. It tells much about volcano activity in our day, but also tells about the significance of forests.

The Temple of Black John (dedicated to the memory of lost forests in Latvia) recommends you see and read it.

Monday, June 6, 2011


The Temple of Melnays Jānis (Black John) dedicated to the remembrance of man-destroyed forests, expresses its sympathies to the forests and the people of Arizona in the event of the wast  fires racing across their land.

If you ever come Latvia way, you may learn more about us in the blog below, re Do not overexploit the land, rather work toward letting it go fallow and renew itself. Make it a temple.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Latvian media are telling us this morning that the real candidate hiding behind the ''shoe-in'' president is red head. Since our Wormelings had presumed that the "in" color was orange, one hastened to die her hair red.
Whether this is so or not only time will tell. At this time, however, our own candidate, re Pulkvedis Yandahlins, is keeping a low profile. Hint: he is thinking of coming out all green.
The Temple dedicated to the memory of destroyed forests, Melnays Jānis / Black John is open for the 2011 season and is receiving visitors.
We are located in Latvia, about 30 km west of Valmiera, in the North Vidzeme Biosphere protectorate. The name 'protectorate' is on paper only, but we are working to make it real. The Temple is on private property, but is open for visits to the public. We also offer space for small parties, family get-togethers, weddings, dances, or simply a place for a restful walk on a weekend day. Our's is a very unusual place.
The Latvian Janis (aka John, Johann, Jean, Gion, Huan, etc., also Joan, Zhenja, etc.) is of an ancient Christian root and the festival is celebrated on Midsummers Eve. The owner of the Temple, one Jandzs, is happy to provide visitors with a more detailed account of his views of the origin of this celebrated, but--even so--forgotten figure of arch-Christian times. The prefered time for discussion are Sundays, 11.00-13.00. Please call 'Inguna' (in Latvia) at 25979406 to make an appointment.
Please browse through the commentaries in earlier blogs. You will find a more detailed description of how to reach us. Hope to see you soon.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Alarm bells
from the Latvian forests and wildlife!!!!!!!!!!
Aljezeera English has just published an essay on the state of Latvian forests, re

The horror perpetrated against Latvian forests by LVM (Latvijas Valsts Meži -- Latvian State Forests) may not be an official crime, but surely is double talk by  LVM officials and by Latvia's Prime Minister Dombrovskis. See both in Aljezeera clip.

We at "Ceļmalnieki" have the only temple dedicated to destroyed Latvian forests in Latvia. The "Saw Cross" pictured above is our copyrighted symbol, which we hope will be adopted by all organizations against wanton forest destruction. The "Saw Cross" can be seen in more abstract form at posts at the beginning of this series. Scroll down and click on "Older posts".

P.S. The January issue of the Latvian Gardeners' Club (Latvijas dārzu biedrība) magazine "Dārzā" (In the Garden) has an article and photo essay (p. 34-37) on yours truly and the Temple to Johns. The text is in Latvian.